Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Computer crashed!

Well, out computer crashed about a month ago. We lost most of our pictures, but my brother was able to retrieve some of them with the equipment he uses are work. Thus, I do not have anymore pictures of Levi on the computer later than Halloween. I will post more hopefully this week.

He is doing well, as of last Monday he weighed 15 pounds and 1 ounce. He was trying hard to double his birth weight by 3 months, but he is just barely going to miss that bench mark.

We are still trying to figure out why is breathing can be so fast, but I may have found the answer to his problem on someone else's blog tonight. I will keep you posted on what I figure out. For now we are trying to deal with the acid reflux. We have one medication, but it does not seem to help too much. We have an appointment next week with the pediatrician and she said if it was not helping she would give us a different medication. To get the expensive medication we have to try the first two medications, so they can know that they did not work for him. We will see. But, if the new information I found tonight plays into his situation maybe we will go a different route for treatment. We will have to wait and see.

Until then goodbye 2008 and hello 2009!

The "other" Andrew!

Here Levi and I are on October 10, 2008 with the "other" Andrew. He came into our home on December 28, 2007. The day this picture was taken was the day he went to live with his Aunt Teresa and Uncle Brian. It is hard to believe it has been a year since we took him it. The 10 months that we had him had their ups and downs. It was a lot of work, as he needed help. It just seemed each time we would get somewhere they would tell us that was not what we needed or we were not where we needed to be.

Through this difficult time I was able to see that God is faithful. Intially said we would not have him over the summer and then it was that we would not have him when the baby was born. Obviously, God had other plans and I could not convince myself to let him go no matter how hard things got, as my heart broke for him over and over (it still does).

He went into respite care when I had the baby and the day he was suppose to return to our care was the day that the aunt and uncle were given the okay to take him into their home. Needless to say, God is always on time and never early. It was a huge answer to prayer.

We feel that Andrew is in the best place for him. We are very thankful for the work his aunt and uncle put in to getting him placed in their home. We are thankful they did not give up and wish them the best. If you think of Andrew could you pray for him and his aunt and uncle as they transition to becoming a family and attempt to get the help that they need. He truely is a sweet boy and we wish nothing but the best for him and his family.

Very behind on the blog!

Yes, we finally did make it home. After staying four long days in the hospital we were able to go home, as long as we agreed to bring Levi to the pediatricians office as often as necessary. She was not really comfortable releasing him, but we could stay no longer. We came home on October 6, 2008.

At times it was nice to stay that many days, but on the other hand it was a long time. I was walking rather well at that point after the c-section. The best advice I recieved regarding the c-section was from my friend Sarah. She said the first two days would be really bad and then after that it would be much better. Her words could not have been much more correct. Thanks!

This picture was taken his first Sunday at church, October 12, 2008. Levi did not know that he was going to be a triplet when he was born (Miguel, Christian & Levi). These boys are my parents foster twins. They are two months older than our baby, but they were 6 weeks early.

It has been fun dressing them alike and getting to share in their first holiday season. They are good boys and hardly every cry. Levi still is the largest of the three, which is rather funny.

Here we are at the Pumpkin King. It is hard to believe that Larissa was just a baby last year when we took the girls. ReyAnna and Larissa have been with us for over a year, although they stay with their mother most of the time these days. Last year when we went it was raining. We enjoy having them over to stay with us and have become good friends with their parents.

"Our little pumkin." Levi was a rather good sport. We got the idea from my brother, Uncle "Nonner" or also known as Andrew. He tolorated our craziness more than you would think. Nonner comes from my brother, Eric not being able to say Andrew when he was small. It has stuck and came in handy when we had a foster child named Andrew for almost 10 months.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Heidi had the baby at Clovis Community and will be there 2 to 4 days

The baby is here!!!!

Heidi and I are proud to present Levi Quincy Leach, he is 7 lbs 12.5oz 19 in long he was born at 8:09pm. After 4 hrs at 5 cm the doctor decided do a Caesarean section. Heidi had to wait a hour to recover before she could see the baby, and I had to go home because Heidi had a roommate I excited to see the baby and Heidi this morning. There will be more pictures to come.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Leach in 3D!

I tried to post this before, but it would not work. It is hard to believe that I am due 6 weeks from today. I find myself wondering where all the time has gone.

We had to go twice to get the best pictures, as he was sleeping the first time. Actually, I think he slept most of the second time too. The pictures were taken at about 31 weeks. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Long time coming..

So, I do not blog very well and each time I do I tell myself I will be more consistent. Obviously that is not true. I decided I needed to update the blog, as I have left comments on other blog and don't want them to check mine and see how much I am behind.

Ryan and me riding the ferry on our return trip from the Island in Newport Beach.

Ryan and all the guys went fishing. He caught this 20 pound Duardo. He caught 1/8 of the fish for the whole boat of 34 fishermen.

We are currently at the beach, just my family and Ryan. My sister-in-law is in Africa on a missions trip with her church and returns on Friday. It has been nice to be at the beach for two weeks with no children!! Yes, we still have all four children and I am 7 months pregnant.

Me, rather large and my mom at the shower. The duck cake was very cute.

Me with my cousins Kyrstie (her son, Chase 5 mohnths) and Katie (her son, Jackson 4 months not pictured). When I have our baby my Grannie will have three great grandsons under 8 months old.

I had my first baby shower since we have been on vacation. It was really nice. My aunt and two cousins hosted the shower for me. A few friends attended and much of my family (both sides) were able to make it, which was really nice. I had a fun time and got some really nice gifts.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Family Update

As you can tell from the picture we have added a few more children to our home in the recent months. We now have four foster children. They are ReyAnna (6), Larissa (14 months), Jocelynn (7) and Andrew (3 1/2). They are two sibling groups. We enjoy them, although Andrew is a lot of work. If you think of us we could use prayer, so could he and our other children. Pray that the best possible outcome will be achieved for these children.

It is amazing to see how much Larissa has grown. She thinks she is such a big girl. She is funny to watch. ReyAnna has come so far in school this year. We have been blessed with a great first grade teacher, who really has taken a special interest in her. She now reads at a first grade seven months level! And to think she did not even know all of her letters and sounds when she arrived in our home in September 2007.

Needless to say we keep busy with four children between appointments and visits with parents. Neither of us are working much. My job has been cut back and Ryan is still in the process of looking for a job and interviewing. We hope and pray something will come our way soon. We could use a big blessing at this point in our lives or at least I could. :)

Other news, if you have not already heard, Ryan and I are having a BABY in early October. Pregnancy has been okay so far. I was sick and tired in the beginning, but it was not too bad. My parents are excited about being first time grandparents. Ryan's parents, who already have two grandchildren are excited too. This will be the first Leach grandchild for the family. My sister-in-law, Sarah also is pregnanct and due late October. So, the Leach family will have two babies in the same month.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Foster Children....

This is our first Halloween with our new kids, ReyAnna and Larissa. ReyAnna is 6 years old and in first grade. At the time of this picture Larissa was 10 months old.