Sunday, February 15, 2009

Updating again....Where has the time gone?

Proud new van owners?

Well, last Saturday (2/7) we drove to the Stockton area with my parents and came home with the above purchase. I have said all my life that I would never be a van owner. Why is it the things you say you would never do you manage to do later in life?

You ask why the purchase??? Let's see, at the current count our household consists of 9 people. There is the mommy and daddy, Levi and 6 foster children. We have Destiny (14), Nico (12), ReyAnna (7) and Larissa (2). They are all siblings. Then there is Noah (11) and Larissa (7), who are brother and sister. Yes, we have TWO...count it TWO Larissa's in our home. Makes the adventure even more adventurous.

Baby Jesus!
Levi and I were in the Christmas Musical at North Fresno Church the middle of December. I played Mary with Levi playing Baby Jesus in the first service, as the original Mary who sang in the program could not be there for the second half of first service. In second service she held him the whole time. He slept through both of his performances as Baby Jesus. It was rather nice, as the Mama was kind of worried. He did great!

1 comment:

Christi said...

Heidi -- it was great to see your pics you sent in the mail... the black and white one is hanging on our fridge :) Looks like you have a full household and are staying busy! Hopefully we can keep in touch better here in blog-land. Miss you!